Fence Repair
Fencing Services

How to Repair and Maintain a Wooden Fence

A wooden fence requires regular maintenance to keep it in good condition. The cost of repairing and maintaining a wall depends on the extent of damage or wear. Fence Repair

First, check with your neighbor if you share a fence. You’ll need to be able to access their side of the wall for this repair!

In order to prevent your fence from becoming unstable and eventually leaning, you need to address the causes of the problem. It may be caused by the soil shifting around the base of the post, rotted wood or even physical damage from a falling tree or other object. Fortunately, you can often fix these problems with simple tools and techniques that you probably already have in your toolbox.

To help a fence resist the force of strong winds, it is wise to install horizontal braces along its length. This will strengthen the fence, reducing the risk of it becoming loose or leaning in future storms. To do this, simply identify the weak points of the fence and run horizontal braces down the length of each side, securing them to the posts with screws or nails. It is a good idea to paint or stain the braces so they match the color of the fence and protect the wood from weather damage.

A common fence repair problem is a loose or missing post. This is most likely due to the post being rotted or because the ground is moving around the base of the post. In either case, this can be easily repaired by digging up the post, repairing or replacing the damaged section and backfilling with concrete or compacted rock.

For a post that is loose in the ground, you can try using a post hole digger to dig up the soil until it is loose enough to remove and replace the post. If the post is simply rotted, you can dig up the remaining soil at the base of the post and replace it with a new piece of rot-resistant lumber.

When a fence panel becomes loose, it can usually be tightened by adding some extra screws through the bracket on each end of the rail to keep it securely in place. However, if the bracket is too small to accommodate the screws, you should replace it with a larger one.

To replace a loose or missing post, you will need to dig up the existing concrete base and then set a new post in its place. This is a job that is much easier with the help of a post jack and a partner to hold the jack while you shovel the concrete or rock into the holes and tamp it down.

Damaged Pickets or Boards

If a section of your fence has been compromised by rotting or insect damage, it’s important to fix this as soon as possible. Wooden fences are especially vulnerable to pests like termites and carpenter ants, which can cause serious structural damage in a short amount of time. Regular inspections will help you detect and treat any infestations quickly before they become a major problem.

The first step in repairing damaged pickets or boards is to remove the affected board. This can be done by loosening the screws or nails that hold it in place and then carefully pulling it out. Once the old board is removed, a new one can be put in its place. It’s also a good idea to paint or stain the new board to match the rest of your fence.

Another common issue that needs to be addressed is a leaning fence. This can be caused by a number of factors, including poor construction, soil conditions, and a lack of proper support for the posts. To correct a leaning fence, it’s important to check the condition of the post and concrete footer. In most cases, the footer will need to be replaced. This can be done by removing the fencing, digging out the old concrete, and then pouring in new concrete. Once the footer is replaced, it should be braced plumb until it cures.

It’s also a good idea to check the condition of the posts and panels of your fence for signs of rot or insect damage. Loose panels and posts can be resecured by tightening the loose screws or nails, but in some cases, a full replacement may be necessary.

While a few minor cosmetic issues can be addressed with cleaning or repainting, extensive damage to your fence will often require a complete replacement. It’s a good idea to have some repair money saved up in case your fence requires extensive repairs after a severe storm or other natural disaster. This will help you avoid the hassle and expense of having to replace your entire fence at once.

Wobbly Posts

The wooden pillars that support your fence can become unstable for many reasons. They may be loose because of shifting soil, or they could rot and weaken to the point where they are prone to falling over. It is important to determine why your posts are wobbly before beginning any repairs. Depending on the cause, you may need to replace the post entirely. In most cases, however, stabilizing the post should be an easy task.

If your fence is constructed of wood, it is important to check each post for signs of rot. Even if the post is still strong above ground, rot can weaken it and allow water to seep into the wood, which can lead to further problems down the line. You should also check for large dents in the post, as these can also weaken it.

To stabilize a post, first give it a good shake. If it moves, it is likely dislodged from its original hole, and you will need to dig a new hole for it. During this process, you should dig the hole so that it is at least three times larger than the original. This will help prevent the fence post from sinking into the ground or becoming dislodged from its concrete footing.

In some instances, the issue is caused by a poor installation job. It is possible that the fence installers did not follow best practices or the manufacturer’s instructions when installing the post. They may have used rocks, dirt or coarse aggregate instead of concrete in the post hole.

If the problem is due to an improperly installed footing, you will need to dig out the original footing. This is easier if you have a buddy to help you. Once the old concrete is removed, you can re-set your fence post with a concrete footing. When setting the new footing, it is important that you do not use rock or coarse aggregate because this can break off and damage the fence. You should also fill the hole and tamp down the dirt so that it is as tight as possible around the post.

Holes in the Fence

Wood fences take a beating from the elements. Sun, wind, snow, ice and rot all do damage to the material. The best way to counter this is by using the most rot-resistant lumber possible, such as pressure-treated wood or redwood. Staining and painting help, but these methods are not effective below ground or on parts of the fence that make contact with water.

A fence repair kit can be purchased at most hardware stores to help owners maintain their fencing and fix any issues that arise. These kits are color matched to work with a variety of fence colors and provide the materials necessary to fix many common problems.

The rails on a split-rail fence fit into holes in the posts, and when one of these parts rots it can create a hole that needs to be repaired. Getting this fixed is relatively simple, but it does require some effort on the part of the homeowner. Using a post hole digger and a rounded-end shovel, dig out the old section of the rail and replace it. Backfill the hole with tamped dirt or gravel.

Holes in the fence can not only weaken the structure but also fill with organic materials that cause rot and decay and harbour unwanted insects or pests. Knotholes are easily repaired by using a high-quality wood filler. This material can be pressed into the hole with a putty knife and then sanded to match the surrounding area.

Powderpost beetles, deathwatch beetles and old house borers are just a few of the wood-boring insect species that can make their way into wooden fences. These insects will bore into the wood of a fence and lay their eggs in the holes they create, causing the entire structure to deteriorate. It’s easy to spot a powderpost beetle infestation by the small holes they leave behind.

Tilted posts not only look bad but they also prevent the fence from doing its job, such as keeping pets or children contained. It’s important for a property owner to notice and address these types of problems as soon as they become apparent so the fence can continue to do its job properly.


Roofing Maintenance – How to Prevent Roof Leaks

Regular roofing maintenance can help prevent minor problems from escalating into major ones. It only takes a few minutes, and it should be done on a regular basis — ideally, twice a year, as well as after any extreme weather events. Checking the condition of the soffit and fascia is also important. Look for cracking, sagging, and gaps. Also, make sure the flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights is in good condition.

Clean the Roof

Keeping Cedar Park Roofing clean is one of the best ways to prolong life and improve the look of your roof. If the dirt and grime build up on your roof, it will start to discolor and may eventually deteriorate the material. It can also trap moisture, which can lead to rot and encourage the growth of mold, mildew, and moss. In addition, the accumulated debris can clog gutters, causing water overflow and damage to the home.roofer

To keep the roof clean, it is recommended to perform a regular cleaning. During this process, the professional will use a broom or blower to sweep away any loose debris, leaves, twigs and dirt. Then the cleaner will be sprayed onto the surface, making sure it reaches all areas and crevices. Before applying the cleaner, it is important to make sure that the ladder is stable and that you are using a safe climbing technique. It is also a good idea to have someone on the ground who can hold the ladder while you are on it, as well as grab any tools or products that you might need. It is a good idea to wear safety glasses and a mask, as the chemicals used in the cleaner can be irritating to the eyes and lungs.

Once the cleaning has been done, a professional should inspect the roof for any signs of damage or potential problems. Holes or missing shingles can be easily spotted during the inspection, and these issues should be addressed as soon as possible. It is also a good idea to trim any trees that overhang the roof, as they can drop leaves, twigs and branches on the roof, resulting in dirt and grime accumulation.

If the roof is stained, a professional should consider using a soft wash method to remove it. This is a technique that uses low water pressure to wash the stains and clean the surface of the roof. This method is much less invasive than traditional high-pressure washing, and it is safer for plants and pets. Before a professional starts the job, they should thoroughly wet any plants and patio furniture in case the runoff from the cleaners gets on them.

Inspect the Flashings

The flashings are the metal materials surrounding chimneys, dormers, vent pipes and skylights that redirect water away from these areas of the roof. If they get damaged, a leak may develop. This could lead to rot in the structure of the building and cause problems with interior walls, such as mold. A professional inspector will look for areas of the flashing that have been damaged or rusted and repair them if necessary.

They will also examine the caulking around these areas. Since these are prone to movement due to temperature and humidity changes, the caulk can deteriorate and leave gaps that can allow water to seep in. The inspector will remove the caulk from these areas and re-caulk them if necessary.

Flashings are made of sheet metal fabricated into a specific shape, and they’re installed in areas where the roof meets other structures or protrusions. This is where most roof leaks occur. The professional inspector will check the flashings for any signs of rust or damage, and make sure that the flashing is snug against the shingles to prevent water from seeping in.

A professional inspection should also inspect the gutter system and downspouts to ensure that they’re functioning properly. They will check for any debris that might be blocking the flow of water, and they’ll inspect the gutters for any signs of clogs or breakage. They will also look at the condition of any downspout extensions or eavestroughs that might be required to keep rainwater from flowing off the roof into other parts of the home.

A professional inspection should also look at the condition of any ice dams that might have formed on the roof, and they will use commercial steaming equipment to remove them. These ice dams can be a major contributor to the formation of leaks. They’ll also take the opportunity to survey any extra features on the roof like chimneys and skylights to make sure that they’re in good condition as well.

Inspect the Attic or Crawl Space

Home inspectors typically begin their evaluation of a home’s attic and crawl space from the exterior roof surface. However, if the home is newer and has housewrap or other barriers that prevent access to attic insulation, it’s important that professionals be able to enter crawl spaces to look for problems.

Crawl spaces are treasure troves for deferred or haphazard maintenance items that should be inspected regularly. It is important for homeowners to know that these areas are not just storage rooms, but that they serve as a key component of the structural integrity of their homes.

For example, moisture in the crawl space can cause the flooring to sag and even rot. If the moisture is not addressed, it can also affect electrical systems and plumbing. Likewise, rodent droppings and other debris can contribute to air quality issues in the home. The resulting odors can be so strong that they can even permeate the entire house.

If your crawl space is infested with pests, it may be time to consider installing a set of exclusion doors. This will allow the current rodents to escape, while not allowing new ones in. In addition, a professional can help to clean up the areas where mice or rats have left droppings.

Another common issue in crawl spaces is water intrusion. It is important to inspect the crawl spaces during rainy weather in order to see if there are any active leaks. Most leaks occur at and around roof penetrations such as bathroom vents, dryer vents, kitchen exhaust ducts and air handler exhausts.

If you are concerned about the condition of your attic or crawl space, call Envirosmart Solutions for a complete and thorough inspection. We provide high-end attic and crawl space services that will address any concerns or issues before they become serious problems. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified inspectors. We offer free estimates and can help you create a plan of action to keep your home in the best possible condition.

Clean the Gutters

Gutters are designed to collect and carry rainwater away from the foundation of the house, so they can’t do their job if they’re clogged with leaves, debris and other junk. Leaving your gutters to become overflowing or fully clogged can lead to expensive water damage. Gutters should be cleaned out twice a year, once in late fall and again in early spring. Alternatively, you can install gutter guards that prevent leaves and other things from getting into your gutters.

When you’re cleaning your gutters, be sure to wear gloves and a mask to avoid breathing in any gunk that might be stuck inside. You should also set up a ladder so you can reach without too much leaning or straining. Start on the end of the roof where your ladder is positioned and work your way along the gutters, scooping out the gunk with a hand trowel as you go. You can also use a hose with a high-powered nozzle to blow out the gutters and downspouts. Don’t forget to clean the downspouts, too, as they can be a breeding ground for mildew, algae and other unwanted organisms.

A clogged gutter can cause water damage to the fascia boards and wood siding of your home. The constant flow of water can swell and weaken the boards, and it can also work its way behind the siding, around windows and into the flooring of your home. It can even seep under shingles and into the foundation, causing serious structural problems for your home.

A clogged gutter can lead to roof collapse or other costly repairs, so it’s important to keep them clean. The best time to clean your gutters is in the fall when most of the leaves have fallen from the trees. If you live in an area that experiences a lot of snow and ice, be sure to clean out the gutters during the winter as well. If you’re not comfortable working on a ladder or cleaning your gutters yourself, consider hiring a professional to do the work. If you decide to hire someone, be sure to get references and a written estimate before the work begins.

Home Builder

Useful Tips On Mastering The Mobile Marketing Machine



You know how much you or people you know love to play games on their mobile device. Whether waiting at the doctors office, riding on a bus, or wasting time at the end of the day, mobile gaming is pretty popular. Now imagine being able to spread your message to these select targets through mobile marketing.


Work on your message composition. You can only use 160 characters, so be concise, but clear. Short cuts or “text speak” is acceptable when text messaging. Your opt-out message can include that kind of message, too. You can save characters this way. You can get some good ideas from some translators.


Steer clear of texting abbreviations. When you shorten your messages using chat speak, you make yourself and your business seem less professional and credible. Take the time to spell everything out to make sure your messages are clearly understood, and that you come across in a professional and polite manner.


Stay away from caps lock, unless you are giving a call to action. Using caps lock at any other time during a message can come across as if you are yelling at someone, and no one likes to be yelled at. Stay polite and calm by only using caps lock if necessary.


Link to interesting websites. One of the fun things you can do to improve relations with your customers is to link them to sites you believe that they will enjoy. These can include blog posts, social networking sites, sweepstakes, or anything else you choose. Just make sure not to overdo it by spamming them.


In conclusion, you want to advertise to people and want to capture their attention in a way that you simply cannot do in any other way. Network marketing is a unique way to cater to specific niches and types of people. Hopefully this information will do much to benefit your marketing plan.

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